Corporate Blog

Climate Change Fuels Need for Marine Mammal Observation Services and Technologies

Climate Change Fuels Need for Marine Mammal Observation Services and Technologies

In September 2023, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced that the Summer of 2023 was officially the hottest since...
The Ocean Science Consultancy Toolkit: Environmental Impact Assessment

The Ocean Science Consultancy Toolkit: Environmental Impact Assessment

The Ocean Science Consultancy Toolkit is our new informative series designed to unpack some fundamental aspects of a multidisciplinary marine...
Tiered Survey Strategy Key for Effective Deep-Sea Characterization and Sampling

Tiered Survey Strategy Key for Effective Deep-Sea Characterization and Sampling

Utilization of ocean resources requires a well-defined knowledge of deep-sea habitats. Projects to map and characterize these habitats directly help...
CSA Deploys Latest SPI Camera System During Sampling Campaign in Mexican Waters

CSA Deploys Latest SPI Camera System During Sampling Campaign in Mexican Waters

In August 2023, one of CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.’s field teams successfully put the company’s recently acquired Sediment Profile Imaging (SPI) camera...
Enhancing Marine Environmental Monitoring in the US Gulf of Mexico

Enhancing Marine Environmental Monitoring in the US Gulf of Mexico

It is hard to overstate the strategic importance of the US Gulf of Mexico (GOM) to the long-term energy security and socioeconomic prosperity of the...
CSA Attends TGLO Adopt-A-Beach Cleanup Event on Padre Island

CSA Attends TGLO Adopt-A-Beach Cleanup Event on Padre Island

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) recently teamed with personnel from the Texas General Land Office (TGLO) to participate in an Adopt-A-Beach cleanup...
CSA Scores 100% in Safe TO Work (STOW) Recertification

CSA Scores 100% in Safe TO Work (STOW) Recertification

CSA Trinidad, a wholly owned local subsidiary of CSA Ocean Sciences (CSA), is happy to announce that it successfully achieved full Safe TO Work...

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