Press Releases

Leading Seagrass Experts Co-author Paper on Eelgrass Establishment

Leading Seagrass Experts Co-author Paper on Eelgrass Establishment

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) announced today that Dr. Mark Fonseca, CSA Vice President Science, is a co-author in collaboration with colleagues...
CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. and SeaRobotics Corp. Enter Into Joint Development of Advanced ASV Platform

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. and SeaRobotics Corp. Enter Into Joint Development of Advanced ASV Platform

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) and SeaRobotics Corp. (SRC), both based in Stuart, Florida, today announced the joint development of the next...
CSA Ocean Sciences Appoints New General Manager to Brazil Leadership Team

CSA Ocean Sciences Appoints New General Manager to Brazil Leadership Team

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA), a US-based marine environmental consulting firm, today announced the appointment of Felipe Saldanha as the new...
CSA Ocean Sciences Launches Research Vessel (R/V) Dolphin

CSA Ocean Sciences Launches Research Vessel (R/V) Dolphin

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA), a US-based marine environmental consulting firm, today revealed the latest addition to its coastal survey fleet, the...
CSA Ocean Sciences and Cepemar Soluções Ambientais Announce Partnership in Brazil

CSA Ocean Sciences and Cepemar Soluções Ambientais Announce Partnership in Brazil

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA), a US-based marine environmental consulting firm, today announced a new partnership with Cepemar Soluções Ambientais...
CSA Publishes Exclusive Guide, Navigating the BiOp, in Response to the 2020 NMFS BiOp

CSA Publishes Exclusive Guide, Navigating the BiOp, in Response to the 2020 NMFS BiOp

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) today announced details of a new, commercial product: Navigating the BiOp: A Guide for Offshore Oil and Gas Operators...
BOEM Awards Sensitive Habitat Contract to CSA

BOEM Awards Sensitive Habitat Contract to CSA

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, on the behalf of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, awarded a contract to CSA Ocean Sciences...

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