Corporate Blog

Supporting the Realization of Sustainable Energy at the Caribbean Sustainable Energy Conference 2024
The Honourable Stuart Young, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries visiting CSA’s booth.

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) participated in this year’s Caribbean Sustainable Energy Conference, which was held in Trinidad and Tobago from 10 to 12 June, 2024. The conference’s theme, ‘Collaboration for Action’, aimed to promote collective efforts of stakeholders working towards developing tangible solutions to minimize emissions and also facilitate the transition to more sustainable energy sources.

The CSA team subject matter experts in attendance were Ms. Candice Leung Chee, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Rameez Persad, Operations Manager, and Ms. Keda Deonarine, Project Scientist, from the CSA Trinidad office. With 54 years of experience in planning and carrying out multi-disciplinary marine environmental projects throughout the region to provide reliable and affordable marine data survey solutions, the team conveyed how CSA aims to use its services to support the Caribbean’s transition to sustainable energy sources.

CSA offers a range of marine environmental services which include but are not limited to Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, Marine Environmental Baseline Surveys, including Air Quality Surveys, Long-term Monitoring Surveys and Environmental Management Plans. As the Caribbean shifts to more sustainable energy sources, CSA aims to maintain our standards in serving our clients as their requirements evolve.

To find out more about CSA’s marine survey services, visit:

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8502 SW Kansas Ave.
Stuart, FL 34997