Infrastructure Projects

Baseline Data Collection of Potential Dredging Projects

CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) conducted surveys to collect baseline information regarding potential dredging project sites in association with the Canaveral Harbor Air Force Base Area 103 evaluation. The 103 evaluation of the Canaveral Harbor maintenance dredging project considered potential dredged material from the Middle Turning Basin Air Force Base area (Poseidon Wharf area), Canaveral Harbor, Brevard County, Florida that is proposed for ocean disposal in the Canaveral Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS).

Sediment grab samples were collected from the candidate ODMDS, and sediment grab and vibracore samples were collected from the dredging sites. Sediment grab samples were collected using a Van Veen bottom grab sampler, and vibracore samples were collected using a Rossfelder model P-3 vibracorer. Sediment samples were homogenized after collection to provide representative material for bioassays and a full suite of chemical analyses, including pesticides, metals, and hydrocarbons. Collection of sediment and water samples included in situ hydrographic measurements at surface, mid-water, and bottom depths using a Seabird model SBE 19 plus V2 SEACAT CTD. This project was conducted under Delivery Orders of a Service Contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District, Environmental Resources Branch, Planning Division. In addition to the Canaveral Harbor Air Force Base Area, CSA has conducted projects similar in scope, size, and complexity for the USACE in Jacksonville Harbor, the Mayport Naval Station, and the Tampa Bay Shipping Channel.


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Stuart, FL 34997